Stand 12 — Training

A rectangular stand with photographs and white text on a red and blue background. At the top of the stand there is an inscription in English: «Sambo for the Blind. From the first training to the World Championship.» Then, at the left edge of the stand in a rectangular area in green: «Training.» Below in the center is the text: «How to teach the blind sambo. This depends on the individual characteristics of the student. His physical development, age, skills, ideas about motor actions, the presence of visual images in his memory. An important condition is that the student must understand what needs to be done. And the first is a verbal explanation. A sighted person sees how others perform an action, what the result of these actions is. For a blind person, tactile clarity is used. Special tactile aids are used, as well as a demonstration method or a «contact» method — a blind person feels the position of the body of another wrestler or coach when they perform a particular action. The “hand in hand” method or the passive demonstration method – the trainer, holding the student’s hands, controls their movement, performs the movement together with him. The method of muscular-motor sense – the trainer, demonstrating the movement, technique, its part, draws the student’s attention to the sensations that arise during the action in the muscles, ligaments, joints. Then the student practices the actions independently and in a pair with another wrestler. Further below is the inscription: “Warm-up, general physical training”. Further there are four photographs showing the elements of training for blind sambo wrestlers and captions-explanations under them: “Sound is a guide for the blind. Another sambo wrestler or trainer moves around the hall and claps his hands. The blind man, performing exercises in motion, somersaults, moves in the direction of the sound of claps”. “The trainer walks around the hall and directs the actions of those training with his voice, two blind wrestlers to the right and left of him do somersaults, focusing on the sound of the voice”. Further along the left edge of the stand there is a photograph and an explanation for it: “Special devices. Wrestling rubber (tourniquet). The wrestler or trainer stands in the middle of the mat and holds two ends of the wrestling rubber in his hand. The loop of the wrestling rubber is on the elbow of the blind person, who runs in a circle, focusing on the length of the rubber. Using the wrestling rubber allows the blind person to make maximum acceleration for himself and not depend on the running speed of the accompanying person.” Along the right edge of the stand there is a photo of a training session: the athlete is walking on his hands, the trainer is walking next to him, guiding his movements with his voice. Under the photograph there is a text explanation: “Walking on hands. The reference point is the trainer’s voice.” Further along the center of the stand there is an inscription: “Training.” Then there are three photographs; in the first photo, the trainer, along with a verbal explanation, guides the hands of the blind student so that he can tactilely feel exactly how to place his legs and hands when performing a technical action. Next comes the explanation for the photo: «The trainer helps the blind person to tactilely feel the position of the body, arms and legs while performing technical actions.» The next photo shows blind sambo wrestlers, one of them is performing a technique, the trainer is correcting the actions. To the right of the photo is the explanation: «The trainer, showing the blind students the technique, manually directs them to the correct position, corrects the position of the student’s body, arms and legs.» Next are two photos of trainers and sambo wrestlers, whose training photos are posted on the stand. To the right of the first photo is the inscription: «Trainer: Master of Sports of International Class in Sambo Roman Khalikov. Blind Sambo wrestlers: Andrey Demidov, Viktor Rudenko, Dmitry Samokhvalov.» Next is the second photo and the inscription: «Trainer: Master of Sports in Sambo, International Sambo Judge, First Senior Coach of the Russian National Sambo Team for the Blind and Visually Impaired Viktor Ignatenko.»