Stand 8 — Development

A rectangular stand with photographs and white text on a red and blue background. At the top of the stand there is an inscription in English: «Sambo for the Blind. From the first training to the World Championship.» Then, at the left edge of the stand in a rectangular area of green there is an inscription: «Development.» Further at the left edge of the stand there is a photograph of Roman Novikov, on the right there is text — an excerpt from his interview: «My experience is not to wait for someone to do something for us, we need to think about what I can do personally and start acting. To look for interested people who can help and support the idea of developing sambo for the blind and visually impaired. And first of all, these are the Sambo Federations. The fact that the federations did not have experience working with the blind was not a problem, experience is always acquired through action. A blind person can practice sambo, participate and win competitions, and we have shown this. We can work. A blind person can freely interact with any other person, say what is necessary for him, and what he can do himself.» Chairperson of FIAS commission for athletes with different abilites Roman Novikov. Below are five photographs in the following order from left to right: a group photograph of participants in sambo competitions in sambo uniforms, with coaches and organizers next to them; a group photograph of young people in white T-shirts, with Roman Novikov and Dmitry Samokhvalov in the center. Under these two photographs is the caption: Dmitry Samokhvalov and Roman Novikov at the Russian Championships in St. Petersburg with participants in the competitions and volunteers. Then three photographs of people in dark glasses: at a sporting event with Viktor Ignatenko and Roman Novikov, at the negotiating table, at the opening of the competition in sambo uniforms. Under these photographs is the caption: «Heads of regional commissions for sambo for the blind.» Further, at the left edge of the stand is a photograph of Roman Novikov and Dmitry Samokhvalov in business suits against the background of a banner for sambo for the blind sports competitions. To the right of the photo is the inscription: «Our experience: in 2012, a special commission was created to develop sambo among athletes with visual impairments, first in the Moscow Sambo Federation, and then in 2014 in the All-Russian Sambo Federation, whose tasks include attracting the blind and visually impaired to sambo. Commissions, which are headed by, or actively work as part of them, blind and visually impaired sambo wrestlers, are engaged in the selection of a suitable (in accordance with the wishes of the applicant) club for a disabled person wishing to practice sambo, organize his training. Since the emergence of this direction, sambo training for the blind and visually impaired has been carried out mainly in sports clubs together with healthy wrestlers.» Further along the left edge of the stand, from top to bottom, there are two photographs: Dmitry Samokhvalov giving a report at a conference, Dmitry Samokhvalov and Roman Novikov at a sports event, in Dmitry’s hands is a framed letter of gratitude to the organizer. To the right of the photo is the inscription: Dmitry Samokhvalov: «The weak can become strong, the lazy — never!» Dmitry Samokhvalov, sambo wrestler, prize-winner and winner of sambo competitions among the blind and visually impaired, member of the presentation group for sambo for the blind, organizer of the Russian Championship in sambo for the blind — 2021, coordinator of the development of sambo among the blind and visually impaired in St. Petersburg. Then Dmitry’s words: «In St. Petersburg, many guys with visual impairments wanted to take part in sambo competitions, but all the tournaments were held in Moscow. I contacted Roman Novikov and received an offer to develop sambo for the blind in St. Petersburg. I have been doing this since 2016. We focus on ensuring that sambo wrestlers can overcome themselves first and foremost. Set a goal for themselves and achieve it.» Further, at the right edge of the stand, there is a photo of Dmitry Samokhvalov in a sambo uniform with a medal and an award certificate. Then below, at the left edge of the stand, a photo of Roman Novikov and on the right, the inscription: «I am sure that the best way to talk about how a blind person can practice sambo, how to develop sambo and what conditions need to be created for the blind in sambo is for a blind person who practices sambo. This is the meaning of the joint work of the blind and sighted in the commissions of the National Sambo Federations.» Roman Novikov. On the right, there are two photos: Roman Novikov reading a report at a conference; Dmitry Samokhvalov in a gym with a coach and sambo wrestlers.